Limitless Network Finance

The Gold Standard of Crypto
Enables easy, inclusive, and cost-effective DEX trading across different chains.

Core Strength

Our innovative dApp brings you:

  • the optimal swap value for your needs by comparing rates across various Dexs and selecting the most favorable rates for you

  • Combined, Limitless Network Finance’s dApp provides you more, if not the best value for every trade you make !

Our Protocol

What is Limitless Network?

Limitless network is a decentralized Crypto project with a multi utility infrastructure that enables growth and sustainability in any market condition through scalable mining as well as a automated leverage trading system.  

Our Tokenomics

Our tokenomics are designed to reward holders and incentivize the community to grow the project. We have a 6% buy tax and 8% sell tax. 1% of the buy tax is used for marketing and 2% is used for development. 2% of the buy tax is used for liquidity and 1% is used for holders. 2% of the sell tax is used for marketing and 2% is used for development. 2% of the sell tax is used for liquidity and 2% is used for holders.

Circulating Supply

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Blockchain: BNB Chain

Token Symbol: $LNT

Token name: Limitless Network

Token TaxesBuy Tax: 6%

1% Marketing
2% Development
1% Holders
2% liquidity

Sell Tax: 8%

2% Marketing
2% Development
2% Holders
2% liquidity

How to buy $LNT?

The easiest way to purchase $LNT, is by using Limitless Network Swap Aggregator:  launch the dapp  and connect your wallet. No $LNT is required to use the swap aggregator. The swap aggregator is working on Polygon mainnet, Fantom and BSC.

LNT investors are not penalized by sells, buy-backs, or wallet-redistributions and transfers.

Reward benefits from reward Tiers 1, 2 and 3 may be subject to change based amount of holders and total profits generated from the limitless Network mining facility.

Reward Tiers

Tier 1 Rewards

The first tier is the most basic one, where you can earn rewards by simply holding LNT tokens in your wallet. Hold LNT and earn BNB. The rewards are distributed daily from transactions and bi weekly from the LNT mining Facility.

Tier 2 Rewards

The second tier is a bit more advanced. By holding 20M+ LNT tokens and reinvesting your rewards, you will earn a higher yield from the mining facility that compounds as you reinvest.

Tier 3 Rewards

Hold on, we’re not done yet. The third tier requires you to hold 50M+ LNT tokens, and reinvest your rewards. This allows you to make the highest earnings from the mining facility that will also compound as you reinvest.


We will fair launch our project and begin to scale up our mining operation with a bigger location and additional miners. Our focus is using more efficient energy to help maximize our facilities growth as well as, maximizing the profits to our investors. In addition, we will be utilizing our leverage trading system to help bring continued sustainability and growth to the Limitless Network community.

  • Launching the Limitless Network Finance Community.

  • Release of the Limitless Network Finance protocol.

  • Release of the Limitless Network Finance website.

  • Launch of web-based Limitless Network Finance DEX.

  • Release of the Limitless Network Finance whitepaper.

  • Fairlunch of the $LNT token.

  • Limitless Network Finance v2 (new features, modern UI, hybrid DEX).

Our DEX Supports


Limitless network is a decentralized Crypto project with a multi utility infrastructure that enables growth and sustainability in any market condition through scalable mining as well as a automated leverage trading system.

The mission of Limitless Network is to provide a decentralized infrastructure that enables growth and sustainability in any market condition through scalable mining as well as a automated leverage trading system.

Limitless network has built a mining facility and our mission is to extend the rewards of mining to our community of $LNT token holders.

Limitless Network Finance DEX is a decentralized exchange that allows you to swap tokens. Launch the app and connect your wallet. You can then select the token you wish to swap and the token you wish to receive. You can also select the amount you wish to swap. The app will then calculate the amount you will receive. You can then confirm the transaction and wait for the swap to be processed.

Yes! $LNT token is a token deployed to BSC network and audited by Guardian Audit.

Holding $LNT is not required to use the DEX. We encourage both, to receive the full experience of LNT’s solution and reward system.